EPE / LTD / LLC (Εταιρία Περιορισμένης Ευθύνης”) Incorporation processes in Greece
Partnership capital requirements The partnership capital is determined by partners with no restriction. The minimum nominal value of each partnership part is set to be at least 1 Euro. All partnership parts shall get the same nominal value. The partnership capital can be formed by contributions in cash or in kind. In the latter case, contributions must be assets which can be evaluated in cash.
A limited liability company is incorporated (a) by a notarial deed or (b) by a private document using the standard “Model ΑοΑ”. In the first case a notary public acts as a “one-stop shop” service for the establishment of the company, whilst in the latter case the one-stop shop service is GE.MI. service of the competent Chamber of Commerce
The establishment of a branch office or an agency in Greece by a limited liability company based in a non-EU country requires the Approval of the competent Division for Companies of the General Secretariat of Trade and Consumer Protection/Ministry of Economy and Development or by the Department of Companies of the competent Region.
The cost of establishment shall include:
The Unified Fee Note (L. 4441/2016, A’227), is paid once to the one-stop-shop service for the establishment of the company.
The Duty paid to the Hellenic Competition Commission, is only required for the establishment of the Company Limited by Shares (S.A.) and it is set at 1‰ of the capital stated in the company’s AoA.
Part of this amount is compulsory for the establishment and registration of the company with the GE.M (General Electronic Commercial Registry ) or ΓΕΝΙΚΟ ΕΜΠΟΡΙΚΟ ΜΗΤΡΩΟ (Γ.Ε.ΜΗ.) service and the fee for the checks of the company’s name and its distinctive title is optional.
If the founders are more than 10 persons, the amount of the fee note is increased by € 3 for each additional founder.
When the establishment is done exclusively through the e-One stop shop service, then the cost of establishment is set at 30% of the Unified Fee Note, i.e. €18,00 for S.A., E.P.E. and I.K.E. and €15,00 for O.E. and E.E. and there is no extra amount for each additional founder irrespective of the total number of founders.
a)ID Card
- b) Valid Passport or other travel document recognized by the international conventions with entry visa required
- c) Statement of responsibility of Article 8 of Law 1599/1986 (A’75), Appendix I of the MD 63577/2018, declaring their intention to remain permanently in the country and
- c) Provided that they stay or they want to stay permanently in the country, a residence permit or a relevant certificate proving the lodging of an application for a residence permit
Genuine copy of the codified Articles of Incorporation of the founding legal person. If the founding legal person is already registered with the GE.MI., the one-stop-shop service will search ex officio for its Articles of Incorporation in its electronic database, according to § 2 and 3 of Article 8 of Law 3419/2005, free of charge
The decision of the relevant corporate organ or the partners for the participation of the legal person in the company under establishment and the determination of a representative for the completion of the establishment procedure. Certified copy of the proxy document for the appointment of the company’s legal representative or its representative in Greece. All the above are submitted according to international law (as appropriate, apostille stamp, consular visa by the Greek consulate or as provided in international treaties ratified by Greece) with their official translation
Copy of the company’s Articles of Incorporation.
Written confirmation of the competent National Register, issued during the last quarter, from which must at least occur its registration number and that it is not in a state of dissolution-liquidation, bankruptcy or in any state collective creditor satisfaction process
A special notarial proxy document, in case the legal person’s representative is a different person from its legal representative. If the company’s incorporation is done with a private document, an authorization with a genuine signature of the legal representative of the company verified according to the provisions of Article 11 of Law 2690/1999, is sufficient if this capability is provided by its Articles of Incorporation or by a relevant decision of the company’s partners.
Authorization of the founders provided that the establishment procedure is done with a representative. Evidence to prove the payment of corporate capital, where required by law, for the establishment procedure. n Bank deposit receipt, provided a previous bank deposit of amounts due for the establishment of the company according to the provisions of article 6. n Official Statement of Article 8 of Law 1599/1986 (A’75) in which it will be stated that: a. the company has not acquired a tax identification number (AFM) as an “under establishment company” by the competent tax authority office. b. the company’s headquarters address and if the property that is declared as headquarters is proprietary, leased or if it is about a free concession.
A limited liability company is incorporated (a) by a notarial deed or (b) by a private document using the standard “Model ΑοΑ”. In the first case a notary public acts as a “one-stop shop” service for the establishment of the company, whilst in the latter case the one-stop shop service is GE.MI. service of the competent Chamber of Commerce.