To create a public construction company in Cameroon, it is important to fulfill the following requirements:
– The investment declaration
– The Registration at the commercial chamber
-Statistic registration
A public construction company requires its licenses in order to exercise. The licenses are issued by the competent authorities, the licenses are necessary to guarantee the quality of the work and protect the workers and the users. The licenses are also important for the protection of consumers and the regulation of the public works market. The types of licenses in the public work sector are administered by law No 2013/004 of 18th of August on the planning and building authorization. The law displays four types of licenses for construction.
1. License D: it is issued for small-sized building companies. It gives companies to work in a construction budget superior to 50 million XAF.
2. License C: it is meant for middle-sized companies. Those can work for construction budgets that vary between 50 million and 500 million XAF.
3. Licence C: This license is meant for larger companies. It grants companies to work on construction budgets superior to 500 million XAF. The licenses are issued by competent authorities depending on the nature of the work to be done.
The requirements for obtaining a license vary depending on the type of license and the competent authorities. Generally, companies must fulfill administrative and technical requirements in order to be granted a license. The requirements can include a request file, a feasibility study, the provision of a financial guarantee, and the presentation of a security plan.
Cecile O’Omock
Communication Officer